Root Canal

Pediatric Screening

Root Canal

A root canal can restore your teeth to a state of prime health. Tooth sensitivity can make eating your favorite foods a painful experience, and persistent pain can dull life’s greatest moments. Say goodbye to daily discomfort, sensitivity, and dental pain. At Amana Dental in Orland Park, IL we can provide you with a virtually painless root canal.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure that is performed to save a damaged or infected tooth. The procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels) and cleaning the inside of the tooth before sealing it to prevent further infection.

Types of Root Canal Therapy

What Causes the Need for a Root Canal?

The need for a root canal may arise due to a variety of factors, including deep cavities, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, or trauma to the tooth. In some cases, there may be no obvious symptoms of infection, but your dentist may detect the problem during a routine exam through X-rays or other diagnostic tools.

The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and may take one or more visits to complete, depending on the extent of the damage. During the procedure, your dentist will make a small opening in the top of the tooth to access the pulp chamber and root canal. Using small instruments, the dentist will remove the damaged or infected pulp, thoroughly clean the inside of the tooth, and shape the canals to prepare them for filling.

Once the canals have been cleaned and shaped, they will be filled with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha and sealed with a filling. In some cases, a dental crown may also be placed over the tooth to protect it and restore its function. After the procedure, it is normal to experience some mild discomfort and sensitivity, but this should subside within a few days. Your dentist may also provide you with a list of post-operative instructions to follow, such as avoiding hard or crunchy foods, and taking over-the-counter pain medication as needed.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Saves a damaged or infected tooth

Saves a damaged or infected tooth

Relief from tooth pain and discomfort

Relief from tooth pain and discomfort

Improves oral health

Improves oral health

Prevents the need for a more invasive procedure such as tooth extraction

Prevents the need for a more invasive procedure such as tooth extraction

Allows for proper care and maintenance, a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy can last a lifetime.

Allows for proper care and maintenance, a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy can last a lifetime.

Schedule an Appointment

Root canal therapy is an effective way to save a damaged or infected tooth and prevent the need for a more invasive procedure such as tooth extraction. If you suspect you may need a root canal, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. With proper care and maintenance, a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy can last a lifetime.